Identity theft |
Last year
almost 10 million Americans were victims of identity theft. |
Over 52
million Americans had their personal information
compromised in 2005. |
Unsolicited mail
has become a significant enough problem that the Federal Trade
Commission has issued a “Consumer Alert” and consumer
regulations on the subject. |
Junk mailers
employ many elaborate systems to gather, buy, sell and
distribute citizens’ personal identities, biographical
information, and otherwise private data. |
To create the mailing lists to send this uninvited and usually
unnecessary mail, your personal and private information is
gathered by marketing firms, data collectors, list companies and
others---without you even knowing it. Although the term “junk
mail” was prevalent enough to find its way into our everyday
jargon in the 1950’s, not until the advent of computers and large
databases did junk mail become so problematic. When junk mail
became a household word, identity theft was not a concern,
environmental waste was not America's priority, and people really
did not realize how much time they wasted sorting through junk
Now, night and day, junk mailers research and collect a host of
your personal and sensitive information, social security numbers,
credit information, household incomes, shopping habits, family
PCI card holders names, changes of address, and a host of different personal
and sensitive information. Your data is combed from such items as
USPS change of address forms, warranty cards, credit card
purchases, contest entries, questionnaires, magazine subscriptions
and catalogue purchases. Your private information and personal
data is then processed and commonly sold, distributed, shared with
or licensed to others over and over again without your knowledge
and express permission. This information is used for a variety of
purposes, including use by direct marketing firms who target you
and other unsuspecting individuals like you for massive million
ton bulk mailings.
Not only can your privacy and the sanctity of your home be better
preserved by joining USJunkmail, you can help lessen your chances
of being one of the many millions of Americans who are victims of
misinformation, compromised identity and identity theft each year.
It is a common enough event that insurers are now offering separate identity theft insurance products. Extracting yourself
from an identity theft situation is an arduous and often expensive
situation. Reducing or eliminating junk mail from your mailbox may
help reduce your chances of identity theft.
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